Re: NEWS: conceptual art chatterbot to be launched in Liverpool.

has anybody tried this with success? wittbott71 has been on my buddy list
but i haven't seen it online yet – maybe i have to wait til nov. 7th? –

> Was there ever a time when you wished you could get automated assistance
> and/or guidance about the rules and benefits of conceptual art? Finally,
> there is an autonomous agent online to help you.
> Canadian New-Media Artist Jeremy Owen Turner will be unveiling his new
> chatterbot "wittbott711" that he made using the free bot-maker software on
> He has co-opted the publically mediated soul of the Classic conceptualist Sol
> LeWitt and has compiled LeWitt's "Sentences on Conceptual Art" (1969) into the
> brain-banks of his new bot.
> All you have to do to chat with this bot is to download a free version of
> AOL's Instant Messenger software available at and then save
> "wittbott711" to your buddy list and then wait for him to appear.
> Wittbott711 may also make some cameo appearances on the occasional chat room
> about art. Be on the lookout for this sneaky screen-name.
> The witty one will make his first official appearance on November 07, 2002 on
> behalf of the Liberarti Free Art Festival that is part of the Liverpool
> Bienniale curated by Karen Eliot.
> + If the reader will keep me company I shall be glad.
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