.re_potemkin - Battleship Potemkin.

.re\_potemkin - Battleship Potemkin.


Review by Rob Myers.

.re\_potemkin is a crowdsourced re-make of the film "Battleship Potemkin". It is a ".f.reeP\_" project by .-\_-., part of a series of projects that embrace the ideology and means of production of contemporary media and technoculture in order to make art.

From December 2006 to January 2007 .-\_-. worked with 15 groups of students from Yildiz Technical University to reproduce Battleship Potemkin on a shot-by-shot basis. Not all shots were reproduced, there are empty black sections in the new film. The students and the setting of the university and its surrounds are very different from the locations and actors of Battleship Potemkin. .re\_potemkin is a non-profit project rather than a corporation, and as such it has adopted a GNU or Wikipedia-style copyleft licence.



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