Stewart Home, Richard Wright - Resonance FM. Tuesday, 25th May. 9.30 - 10.30 pm

Stewart Home & Richard Wright interviewed on Resonance FM.
This Tuesday, 25th May 2010.
9.30 - 10.30 pm.



A live, jam-packed, hour-long review of what's happening in contemporary media arts culture & social change.

Marc Garrett and Charlotte Frost will interview:

Stewart Home, art & cultural activist across a variety of media including performance, music, film, writing, installation, graphics etc. Within these practices continually reforging a passage between theory and practice, politics and art, the private and the social.

Richard Wright, visual artist who has been working in animated media for twenty years, including many early pioneering digital animated films and interactive installations. A PhD in the aesthetics of digital cinema, has published nearly forty papers, articles and book chapters.

The programme also includes various other treasures: noise-collages, soundscapes and exploratory music.

For more info & downloads of past broadcasts:

Live questions from the audience on the night: & share comments using the hashtag #frfm

Live Stream link:

More info about the Guests:

Stewart Home.
Over the past 30 years has worked across a variety of media including performance, music, film, writing, installation, graphics etc. Within these practices he has attempted to continually reforge the passage between theory and practice, and overcome the divisions not only between what in the contemporary world are generally canalized cultural pursuits but also to breach other separations such as those between politics and art, the private and the social. Releasing his latest publication BLOOD RITES OF THE BOURGEOISIE on 27th May (

Richard Wright.
A visual artist who has been working in animated media for twenty years including many early pioneering digital animated films and interactive installations. He holds a PhD in the aesthetics of digital cinema and has published nearly forty papers, articles and book chapters. He is also researching a book exploring the contemporary practice of animated media, the “narrativising” of new media and data visualisation as the successor to documentary.

This programme is part of 'Hyperlink: Media Art Contexts' whose principal aim is to present and promote high-quality contemporary media art work, alongside critical discussion of past, present and future media art in a contemporary art context.

——–other info———>

About believes that through creative and critical engagement
with practices in art and technology people are inspired and enabled to
become active co-creators of their cultures and societies. provides platforms for creating, viewing, discussing
and learning about experimental practices at the intersections of art,
technology and social change. also runs HTTP Gallery in
North London.

About Resonance 104.4FM
ResonanceFM is "a laboratory for experimentation, that by virtue of its
uniqueness brings into being a new audience of listeners and creators.
All this and more, Resonance104.4fm aims to make London's airwaves
available to the widest possible range of practitioners of contemporary

Resonance 104.4FM