Joseph Young & The NeoFuturist Collective.

Joseph Young & The NeoFuturist Collective.


Marc Garrett interviews Joseph Young.\_group.php?ID=186

Founded by Joseph Young in 2007 - The Neo Futurist Collective consists of a group of highly accomplished artists who have come together to celebrate urban noise in all its' visual and aural forms.

Inspired by the Milan Futurists and the Art of Noises manifesto (Luigi Russolo, 1912), as well the poetics of the Dada movement, the collective are arch-modernists; united in the hope of a positive future where technology, art and humanity will unite to overcome pessimism, despondency and futile utopianism in all its spurious forms.

Current and recent commissions include performance with 'Curious in The moment I saw you I knew I could love you'. Artist-in-Residence at Blast Theory; workshop leader with Mikhail Karikis at Tate Modern - The voice and everything else; a series of commissioned films with video artist Abigail Norris for Architecture Inside Out ­ - a collaboration between disabled artists and architects at Woking Lightbox and Tate Modern.


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Furtherfield - online media arts community, platforms for creating,
viewing, discussing and learning about experimental practices at the
intersections of art, technology and social change.

HTTP Gallery - physical media arts Gallery (London).

Netbehaviour - an open email list community engaged in the process of
sharing and actively evolving critical approaches, methods and ideas
focused around contemporary networked media arts practice.

Join on Resonance 104.4FM - weekly Broadcasts

Furtherfield Blog - shared space for personal reflections on media art

VisitorsStudio - real-time, multi-user, online arena for creative ‘many
to many’ dialogue, networked performance and collaborative polemic.

Furthernoise - an online platform for the creation, promotion,
criticism and archiving of innovative cross genre music and sound art
for the information & interaction of the public and artists alike.