OK then

Did I post this already? Anybody tell DH about MH yet?


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, Max Herman

I saw Mondale on TV last night, looks unelectably old. So, there's that.

Also, on the topic of ifitsahoax/shouldwefight/howcanwefight, maybe it's
totally dumb. I'm personally real happy, liking life, and would not care to
self-immolate (say, like monks in vietnam). Maybe I just got a big bug in
my ass that I gotta be Mr. Big Man, stop wars and such.

I know I'm a fuckin unreliable cracker barrel. The logos of g2k also says
not to kick. Actually, people with money having to live with the fact they
stole it, now more obvious under Bush, well that's prophecy.

Thinking I'm duty bound to fight stuff sucks and drains. I tried to fight
Thingnet, and what good did it do me or anyone? It just wore me out and
became incredibly trivial.

Bush ain't democratic? Big whoop, who ever said anyone was. Democracy is
utopia. Companies cheat? Of course they do. They always did. Always
will, till utopia. Wartime means war? Always did. War's a bitch as usual.

Dangerous people get iced? Of course. Institutions stay up even if some
irate prick gets excited? Also. Bitching about someone else's moral and
financial corruption does squat? Case in point me.

Frankly I dig America. Are we mostly crazy losers? Yes. You should see
how many nutbars there are in my treatment program (yes I'm in treatment).

Bush's Balls in this bad situation might in fact be a kind of ugly form of
great leadership. Will Mondale save the world? Well, he was vice president
when Carter paid for the East Timor genocide, so I doubt it.

I never had a lot of stomach, so I get this urge to say "hey let's do this
big thing to solve some bad stuff" quite often. Passive-aggressive, put the
blame on others, neglect my own mastery and art-beauty projects.

I also, like many people probably, don't want to get iced. I'd rather be a
rule-obeying taxpayer. I know how many meth freaks and wifebeaters we have
in the US, making mass direct democracy pretty useless: we'd probably get a
pro-meth pro-wifebeating administration.

Everyone knows Iraq is strategically necessary to US power holding off
Russia and China, both ultra-repressive high-tech many-people places who do
in fact highly stomach hardball. I feel bad about El Salvador, believe me,
but if Hitler or Stalin had won the world, think of all the heinous shit
they'd have to admit to. And blame is a using behavior.

One could say that the 20th c. was not the one in which the US ruled, but
the one in which we survived. As survivors go, we're pretty sweet. I'd
rather fight for us than against us. But helping people become healthy and
good, which requires that one be fairly happy and stable one's self, is
better than fighting any day.

So Karei is right as usual. The more we kick and fight and bitch, the less
we can do toward transcending empire via evolution. Negri and Hardt wanted
us not to fight I think. I am not such a sick fuck that I can't tolerate
not dying for a stupid cause.

Maybe that's enough from Mr. Max Weakwill. Ain't you all glad I ain't in
charge of nothing? Please God don't kill me yet. I promise to try harder
from now on. No need to let me off they hook however if it's not workable.
I'll take my lashes or even hell eternal if sobeit.

So, fuck you everybody!

Max Herman


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