This is not the Vietnam era.

someone posted elsewhere (quote):

> I am hoping the grass roots of this country will rise up
> like they did during the vietnam era and demand Peace.

This is not the Vietnam era. War is different, which means "peace" is
different. Everything must be re-examined from the pov of "now." Luddites,
beware. Nostalgics, beware.

The "grass roots" has become an audience: we are all spectators. A 30
second TV spot has more power, reaches more people, than a million-person
march that isn't televised.

"Demanding Peace" is just another example of talking and thinking in
abstract terms. We have to get specific. We have to get critical.
We need to stop talking in hyperbole; we need to stop thinking in terms
of abstract generalities and "universals." We need to stop being prey
to our emotions. Our replies must not merely echo the means and methods
of those in power.

Such is our dilemma.