Reminder - Do It With Others (DIWO) at the Dark Mountain.

Reminder - Do It With Others (DIWO) at the Dark Mountain.

The last three weeks.
Exhibition open 12-5pm, Friday-Sunday, till Saturday 30th January 2010

Disassembly Event- Mail out the Mail Art
Join us at the next full moon from 3 pm, Saturday 30th January 2010 for our closing event- to take part and redistribute works from this exhibition of eMail-Art provoked by the Dark Mountain project.

—> Take down the artworks and mail them back out into the world for others to receive through the postal system.
—> Everyone who comes along gets to take an artwork away with them and to send artworks to friends and acquaintances.

This event is a celebration of the DIWO (Do It With Others) spirit, the collaborative process and excellent contributions from the artists who took part. As well as a chance to reflect on the ideas and controversies generated by The Dark Mountain Project, which provided the focus for the exhibition. There will be eating and drinking!

If you cannot make it to the gallery but would like to receive a work of art in the post (or know someone else who would)- please send your postal address to [email protected]

Visit here for images of the exhibition opening and performance

Do It With Others at the Dark Mountain
a Mail Art project across physical and digital networks
as part of the Media Art Ecologies Programme