Re: [thingist] Drunk Driving

On Mon, 9 Sep 2002, Wolfgang Staehle wrote:

> Hannah Arendt once observed the phenomenon of the victims wanting to
> become like their oppressors. The Nazis once called the Jews "vermin,"
> now some Jews call the Palestinians "cancer."

Underlying principles of any revolution and populist stances–
replace the 'victimizers' with the victims–which now become
the victimizers. To make matters even better, watch the frenzy
as everyone stabs everyone else duly or unduly.

Absolutely beautiful illustration of what goes on
''-wise, in the media & press, as well in terms of
'revolutionary' stances, as well as the net in general world-wide.

As for this list specifically, let's see three hands up
to uber-viktim von Messiah, 'the veteran' who now is
el viktimizateur grande.

Baby, look at my wounds. I'm a veteran.
You got a long a way to go before you become like me,
so let me start on ya early.

No everyone, let's all on 'cue' turn our backs on what we're
really doing and keep up with marching around our self-delusional
'grown up''constructive' 'artist' images.

Einz Zwei.

Did Leni Rafenstahl put 2 and 2 together about what she was doing,
buy into the 'Revolution' or pretended her actions are peachy
cuz she's a constructive 'artist'?

I don't understand why she hasn't brought out a new stance in her
self-defense 'I was ironically commenting on the war, you know'.
After all 'contemporary' art is full of pseudo-justifications
of the sort.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42