Re: all is God -- reply

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, labadie wrote:

> Reading so many posts about who/did what/siad it when/expressed it how, seems
> so incredibly beyond sad. Why must we promote and/or witness so much
> emotional/spiritual vampirism when our energies could be productively
> utilized?Why so antagonistic? What is SO important to need/draw so much
> energy to the negative and supeficial sense of "details"?

Dear labadie, why are you sending this to me?
If you were paying attention for 2 nickels worth, you'd
see that I never did what you are addressing,
but rather Palle did exclusively that, by attempting
to pick on non-existent even misuse of language,
non-existent plagiarism, etc?

Yeh–he's emotionally vampiric–or trying to be that,
and I addressed that by calling him a little hyena who
tries to feed taking advantage of my ongoing 'arguments'
with others?

Get your story straight babe–before e-mailing me
blatantly idiotic accusations. As for emptional/
spiritual vampirism–I'm perfectly capable of dealing with
that without any damage, hence to a small degree I do this.

Spare me your self-righteous misapplied 'observations'.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42