9 Stages of Enlightenment


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, D42 Kandinskij

On Sun, 8 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> http://www.self.au.nu/viewreport.cfm?o42

Right Max. Precisely. Your ability to discern crackpots
from the real thing? Non-existent.

Maybe one of these days you will 'de-bunk' Zen with your
confusion between Zen-con-men and actual Zen practicioners.

In the meanwhile, you will pose as authority on the issues with Zen.

Maybe even get your friend Eryk Salvaggio to pose as an authority on the
Tao Te Ching.

So tell us Max–how did you arrive at that ingenuous insight with
regards to Zen? The same way you get your insights about rich people?
By reading trashy literature, and misunderstanding the non-trashy one?

I'm sure you can make a nice dress of righteousness out of words.

Let's see you go, boy. Cut & paste.