53. Venice Biennale - Save the Poetry/NETWORK POETICO

Hi! You could not be in Venice on October 9? See all performances, installations and virtual events on line:

NETWORK POETICO - Poetry Reading in Webcam, collaborative performance by Caterina Davinio with poets from the world.

Chapter 1: Annelisa Addolorato, Annamaria Ferramosca, Anna Balint, Alfoso Siracusa.

Chapter 2: Craig Saper, Cristina Vignocchi, Denis Belley, David Seaman.

Chapter 3: Elif Sezen, Gabriele Montagano, Francesco Muzzioli, Italo Testa.

Chapter 4: Joseph Young, Juan Diaz Infante, Lamberto Pignotti, Liliana Ugolini

Chapter 5: Mariapia Quintavalla, Stefano Donno, Massimo Mori, Matteo Fantuzzi.

Chapter 6: Obododimma Oha, Mirona Magearu, Nicole Mauro, Phoebe Giannisi.

Chapter 7: Vincenzo Bagnoli, Avi Rosen, Philip Meersman, Ruth Lepson

In the event participated live via webcam also EVA DABARA (Israel) and LUBA DIDUCH (Canada)

In the framework of
53. Biennale di Venezia Eventi Collaterali MHO_Save the Poetry/NOTTE DI LUCE. Fondazione Mare Nostrum, Marco Nereo Rotelli Curators.
Coordination: Elena Lombardi
Virtual & Net-Poetry Events: Caterina Davinio Curator.
Collaborator SL: Riccardo Preziosi
San Servolo Island (VE).

Stay with us in Venice!