Furtherfield Blog - Recent Posts of Interest on Media Art Practice and Culture.

A shared space for personal reflections on contemporary art practice as part of life:
living it, breathing it, making it, curating it, translating it.

A selection of recent Blog entries below,
to read more visit - http://blog.furtherfield.org

Ruth Catlow.
Overland: the first leg to Human Nature.

As part of honouring a pledge made with Marc Garrett 'We Won't Fly For Art', http://www.pledgebank.com/wewontflyforart/ - Ruth has actively taken on the difficult task of choosing alternative ways of getting to Ars Electronica's 30 year celebration festival in Linz, Austria and The Eclectic Tech Carnival in Istanbul, Turkey. Overland: the first leg to Human Nature, is her 1st written account of this 10 day journey from London and back which also includes video entries uploaded from her mobile phone.

Helen Varley Jamieson.
Outside ISEA.

Helen, visiting the UK, Island, Austria and Turkey has undergone a long period of travel from New Zealand. On her blog you can read various journals about her visit to ISEA 2009 (Inter-Society for the Electronic Arts). Return again to catch up with her soon to be uploaded experiences of her visit to Ars Electronica and The Eclectic Tech Carnival.

lists, boards, friends + feeds (PART IV).

Jon continues to enthrall us with intellegent and imaginative blog contributions which not only contain detailed studies on the history of media art and net art and Internet mailing list culture, but also thrown into the heady mix, are some beautiful visuals worth hanging on any wall. Visit and explore his series' of 'lists, boards, friends + feeds'.


More about The Furtherfield Blog:
This multi-blog is a place to intuitively explore media arts and related practices, together, as it occurs, to develop understanding and to learn, without any pressure to formulate conclusions, it is about experience and process, the bits in between. Set up in Autumn 2006, initially as a place for informal, day to day exchange between members of the Furtherfield.org team, including editors/reviewers. We soon discovered this format suited some people more than others and are now open to new contributors. The blog is not intended as a platform to promote particular projects. Instead it invites individuals to explore their own perspectives on their own terms; personal thoughts, emotional responses and critical intentions rarely publicly discussed elsewhere.

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The Netbehaviour list