Proof that Death is a Dirty Liar even at age Forty Seven

Well Death I did have it. Now you and your NKVD pals can send me a big
anthrax souffle, and you can ripragrip until I agree to learn Iaido, the
battle against the false self. Something I know nothing about because I
never had a dippy French ho for a mom or hung out with the Krupps.

Frankly, I loved your avuncular confidence at first but now you are nothing
but a dirty manipulative liar and control freak. You'll never get me in
your fuckin Turkish labs. You must be a weapons developer.

Yeah, G2K causes wars. For that you are getting the big super-slap,
long-distance and spiritual.

I need you like a hole in the head.

Also, fuck you bitch. Dirty fuckin liar.

Max Herman


On Wed, 28 Aug 2002, Max Herman wrote:

>Ah fuck that shit man, don't blast sunstroke up my ass and image I would
>trade one day of writing G2K emails for all the virgins in Nepal or
>Robbinsdale Minnesota.

Would you like a public apology for that? :)

>I think you are maybe just suspecting I'm shallow or polluted,

Not at all. Besides, I like genuinely 'shallow' people.
Nobody is_ really shallow, and every human being is a tremendous
mystery, as far as Im concerned. Some are flat though.

>or just testing me, or maybe my true genius went out of me and now
>you're it.

Or maybe your brain's playing tricks on you :)

>Whatever it was you did,

I've done a lot of things, thankfully :)

>the crucible valley of death you were in,

Oh no. I was directing someone else through said valley.
And he didn't listen, so he ended up kaput. Actually,
he insisted I'm not capable of doing it, and he's going to prove
me wrong, and the only thing he could do to 'disobey' is
self-destruct, so he did. I'd never seen how truly terrible that is,
as from all I've seen on my own in those areas, all is lovely.

>I'm OK with that, so is it not so that g2k is different from that?

Not as far as I can ascertain, and you seem sincere, even if
confused :)

>Is it not also true that others bear responsibility and must be confronted?

Not really. The ones who do and bear responsibility are the ones who
have some power'–the partially to fully 'awake'. The rest don't–
and they couldn't possibly. Unfortunately human society is in the hole
pretty deep so you end up with incapable people in most any position.

>I am not saying you are degrading me nor would I prefer to degrade you.

I don't see any of this occurring, but if you feel so, my apologies.
My commentaries about degradation are not 'defensive' and spurious.
Humanity is_ ina continuous state of degrading itself, currently.
At the core of it lies self-importance, which is only the outward face
of pity, fear, and masochism.

>Kierkegaard wrote about the vitiation of the appetites. A second-order
>desire, is that not a transient state like a temporarily parted proton?


> I think 2nd order desires and systems thereon are very unstable. So I
>think I'm here to cook the pony.

I hope so.

>They tell me it's situational narcissistic character disorder and loafy

They who? Most of the posters on rhizome are 'narcissist' and can't
stand anything that's not about_ them and their 'agendas' and following
their 'orders'–and as I've said multiple times, most not any of them
are qualified to judge such matters. Apropos this–refer to traditions
of various sort: iaido (fight with the false self), the sufi Holy
Jihad–again against the false self, native american 'stalking oneself'
etc etc. Narcisissm is something else.

Also they tend to equate valid / good self-importance self-worth
with delusional (ego) self-worth. I assure you that conscious
responsibility and true ability / creativity / power comes
with the former eradicating the latter. Sure is a tricky path,
waltzing of the Self vs. ego, but to start acting like a dishrag,
is a feature of the masochistic ego, not of the true Self.
This is among other things what I address with my presence
on these lists, and hate it they will, because no ego stands
a non-self-degrading being. Or I try to :)

> However they are not of a mettle to
>face me breast forward.

No, they're not.

>In this respect I find my engrossment to be worth pursuit.

As do I.

>I guess we will see sooner or later.

Said the blind-man :)

> > > I still might have to insist that ego and hybris are part of the human
> >cycle
> > > and not as you say totally weak.
> >
> > Ego and hybris are a totally different matter.
>Yes but people think they are the same word.

Sorry Max. People can't think. Not only that but they fancy the brain
the true center of 'thinking' and relation to the 'world'.

> Arrogation to self.

There is self(ego) and Self. Hence I repeat constantly that these
people are in general murderous brutes. Not only do they allow their
egos to destroy their own essence, but they run around attempting to
hack everybody else's Self also. Frankly, It's terrifying.

>Ego is static and hybris dynamic.

Hybris is the symbiosis and permanent melding of the ego and Self.
Now that's a fate even more painful than Self-destruction, and extremely
more damaging.

>Ego is the sense of security and innately false
>as you can read in my logo about Koros, repletion, excess, an unstable
>dormancy. I call it "surges of personality" I mean I once thought of it
>that way.

Right. A society which enforces a personality mask on you since birth,
and forces you to identify with it and feed it, rather than fight
against. But you're not catching that language is part of the game.
And so is what you're taught as thinking–not saying there aren't any
legitimate thinking processes, but the role of the brain proper is

>This evolution is like a school of fish, like NN said, or, at
>, the blue one with the rotating lines (the smaller).

I don't know about that. There's some truth, but there's also
some things which sound wrong–because proper consciousness is
actually comparabe as a school of fish also. Care to elaborate?

>Or the fine piece of art I own at

>For a start, hybris
> > doesn't happen to people who are not partially awake.
>Yes it does not. It happens to playas only. Tyrannoses. G2K auto stores,
>wherever you live, whatever you drive; G2K saves you more, we are the pros
>on your side.
> > the 'reward' for hybris tend to be gemetic and essense destruction
> > of the individual beyond his own personal body
>Genetic? Yes indeedy. I think you are smart fella. The hero's body dies
>but he lives in phenotype.

Yes. But hybris leads to the downward destruction of genetics,
ie, utter destruction of the being aka the condition known
and referred to as hell proper, vs the upward evolutionary
destruction of genetics which leads to release from
obligations to reproduce and liberation of the 'soul'
from other bodily 'obligations'.

>Still a problem, the big problem.

Hybris? Is bad. As I've mentioned, I think, the electromagnetic
bodies of hybristic cases remain hovering about human beings
and often end up in cases of 'possession'–case of Coil
( and a 'spirit' that I till can't identify
for certain but is either Austin Osman Spare, or something that
fucked Spare up.

>(as far as I could
> > ascertain it, but then again I was staggering blind for 2 months
> > after witnessing).
>"Now I lull myself to sleep with your name" was one line from Sophocles,
>Prospero said it was OK when Miranda got sleepy. Sleep and poetry, NN's
>80/20 ratio, who knows. You like Miroslav Holub's poembook "Interferon On
>Tragedy"? Only one devil in the attic or something, I lost that book
>somewhere. Starry skies above me and moral law in me.

Npt familiar sorry–?

>Human mating is yes a nasty sty; you ever watch USA tv?

I tried to give it a go, but I usually end up feeling sick physically
after 5 minutes. The only thing which is okay are some kid's shows,
and a limited umber of things on Bravo and the art film channels,
sometimes. I find most interesting and real stuff in the US happens off
the TV screen though. The US is extremely unique with its development
within media and technology, and I've seen a lot of people who've
developed an extremely healthy immune system respoinse with regards to
it, unlike anywhere else. IF there's going to be a welding of
machine & man in a 'positive' way, it's not going to come out
of Europe because they're weak :)

>love. Funeral meats furnish forth the marriage table. But you pop that
>you kill the patient. So NN deserves mas poder, will she get it, yes
>because it's OK.

I don't know about that. NN's inner core exploded a while back.
She's being consumed–and I say this even though I have respect for
her getting places she did.

>I don't know about it either. Collective orgasm?

No such thing. 'Collective' doesn't exist.

>William Carlos Williams said "one clean sentence." It's stress and
>overactive amygdala that keeps people from their own minds, being too

I've heard this before, and I fell into it once. I was suddenly 'plugged
into' everybody's brains and I could hear them think, and it was
this massive ALARM ALARM signal coming from everybody, because they
overdose on everything. But that's why they need to slow down,
considerably. Spend countless hours doing nothing. Walking,
doing activities which require shutting off the brain–they'd find
that the BODY is a massive system capable of knowing naturally
what to do. All of this 'thinking' about what to do is completely,
and utterly unneccessary and always makes them react WRONG.

>"O build your ship of death,
>for you will need it, for the journey of the soul awaits you." They flay
>for being religious (Blackhawk and the Thing), bearish (sell on activity)

Of course they do. They're morons. Backhawk itself is extremely

>on g2k-free expression-art, or scary and greedy.

Which is what they are. No offense, but these ppl have stalked me and
acquaintances because of fame, money, and energy, constantly.
They're–hungry ghosts. Familiar with the concept?
Anyway–I'm trying to deal with Blackhawk. All I can say to you
with regards to the matter is to consider that Religion is
a system to deal which was created as necessary to deal with
the connection b/n humanity and the 'other'. Learn from it,
but not all is applicable–and don't follow it blindly.

> > Not being an expert–but I've had a glimpse at Vedic mrriages–
> > and also some European orders ideas with regards to the matter–
> > as well as others–and there are non-egotistical modes of
>Stop right there, I gotta know right now, will you love me, will you love
>forever. I'm not an expert but I know the quality of marriages among the
>principals at the hedge fund where I temped ( were obese at
>best. Sexual reproduction may be reactionary.

It is. It is a fact that cirrent reproduction of humans is an

>But my friend, I think my pollution lies elsewhere. Have you ever seen me
>in the core? It's barely a shadow of a shadow.

Is that a pollution? The 'core' is what one must work at–it doesn't
happen automatically.

> > Humans of a certain state of consciousness for example–are also free
> > from the obligation to reproduce: ie, reproduction is a form of
> >
>Viz Elias Cannetti, the Pack of Increase, and the Survivor? Eryk sent me
>that book for free. Yes reproduction of memes is slavery too.

The concept of memes is something else. It has been known to
'primitive' shamanic societies since thousabds of years ago–
and the current 'interpretation' of it as memes is erroneous.
The 'gods' are the only one genuinely producing 'memes'.
Humans are only carriers, and the 'seeding' referred to
in the bible for example is the carriage of 'divine' seeds
in humans. Currently most are born without. Proper
evolution elevates the physical reproduction to genuine
memetic reproduction–which is not_ slavery :)

>It cannot grow by an inch or an ounce.

You're being too logical .)

>I turn mother against son and father against daughter.

And those who hate their father and mother as I do.
Every seed must die unto itself before it can be born.
I have come with a (s)Word.

>Ah, er, I meant something different, like if there's hell below we're all
>gonna go.

ja. Been there. There's no way out to the bright 'side' w/o going to
hell first. But there's exoteric (valid) hell and esoteric (valid) Hell.

>I've seen research that says feeding ducks in urban areas leads
>to overpopulation and rape which often kills or injures the female ducks.
>That is not part of the duck condition.

No, and my comment was excatly in that vein. Degeneration of the human
reace, as a whole.

>I'm an altruistic utopian type messiah.

Wrong move. Altruism is a function of the ego.
It's an illusion. It does not exist.
Exists true (non mind) intelligence whose innate
virbratory activity aid those who wish to be aided.
It is not altruistic.

> > Why bother to evolve?

>So as to save the world?

The world will fare fine without humans and it requires no salvation.
The story is something else.

>However yes most wealth is created via regression behavior. And no I do
>think Genius 2000 is regressive.

As current. This was not the case many years ago. Hence my comments
about slavery–it wasn't always a bad thing. Not in Egypt while they
built the pyramids, anyhow. BUt it'd freak the 'PC's to even hint at
their ignorance.

Until a human being achieves liberation–it is a slave.

Pleasure's all mine,

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

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, D42 Kandinskij

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> Well Death I did have it.

I'm sorry if you failed to catch the humor of my statement,
Max. I wasn't talking about actual welding of men and machine,
but poking fun at a typical misunderstanding. Your subsequent
knee-jerking is ridiculous. Hence I wasn't talking about
actual welding of man and machine.

> Now you and your NKVD pals can send me a big
> anthrax souffle,

Don't flatter yourself. The NKVD is hardly interested in you.

> and you can ripragrip until I agree to learn Iaido,

I never cared to have you agree to learn Iaido.

> battle against the false self.

again, you rattle off flatly about things you don't grasp.

> Something I know nothing about because I
> never had a dippy French ho for a mom or hung out with the Krupps.

Excuse me, but you're idiotic. There is no reason for
you to involve people who are not here to speak for themselves.

> Frankly, I loved your avuncular confidence at first but now you are nothing
> but a dirty manipulative liar and control freak.

That would be you, Max. Not only that, but you're childish
naive and illiterate.

> You'll never get me in your fuckin Turkish labs.

You already are in them.

> You must be a weapons developer.

Yeah, I must be. I'm the boogey man.

> Yeah, G2K causes wars. For that you are getting the big super-slap,
> long-distance and spiritual.

No, I am not. You are causing wars. And so is G2K.

> I need you like a hole in the head.

I certainly don't care for your 'needing' me.
Neediness is clinginess is sapping emotional attachment.
I'm not your mommy, and you're not 2 years old.
That's about the only time justifiable for a human being
to need another.

> Also, fuck you bitch.

No, thanks.

> Dirty fuckin liar.

Sorry Max. I am not a liar. Learn to read. And I don't mean
just mouthing off signs you see on a page and shuffling them about.

`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

, Max Herman


You suck shit. You are a shit sandwich. Plus a bloated pile of shit. Hope
you figure some great stuff out in your lab. "G2K is causing wars." A big
hot one up your ass. Glad we got this all out in the open. Now shut up
before Rachel kicks you off.


>From: "-IID42 Kandinskij @27+" <[email protected]>
>To: Max Herman <[email protected]>
>CC: <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: RHIZOME_RAW: Proof that Death is a Dirty Liar even at age
>Forty Seven
>Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 05:19:22 -0700 (PDT)
>On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:
> > Well Death I did have it.
> I'm sorry if you failed to catch the humor of my statement,
> Max. I wasn't talking about actual welding of men and machine,
> but poking fun at a typical misunderstanding. Your subsequent
> knee-jerking is ridiculous. Hence I wasn't talking about
> actual welding of man and machine.
> > Now you and your NKVD pals can send me a big
> > anthrax souffle,
> Don't flatter yourself. The NKVD is hardly interested in you.
> > and you can ripragrip until I agree to learn Iaido,
> I never cared to have you agree to learn Iaido.
> > battle against the false self.
> again, you rattle off flatly about things you don't grasp.
> > Something I know nothing about because I
> > never had a dippy French ho for a mom or hung out with the Krupps.
> Excuse me, but you're idiotic. There is no reason for
> you to involve people who are not here to speak for themselves.
> > Frankly, I loved your avuncular confidence at first but now you are
> > but a dirty manipulative liar and control freak.
> That would be you, Max. Not only that, but you're childish
> naive and illiterate.
> > You'll never get me in your fuckin Turkish labs.
> You already are in them.
> > You must be a weapons developer.
> Yeah, I must be. I'm the boogey man.
> > Yeah, G2K causes wars. For that you are getting the big super-slap,
> > long-distance and spiritual.
> No, I am not. You are causing wars. And so is G2K.
> > I need you like a hole in the head.
> I certainly don't care for your 'needing' me.
> Neediness is clinginess is sapping emotional attachment.
> I'm not your mommy, and you're not 2 years old.
> That's about the only time justifiable for a human being
> to need another.
> > Also, fuck you bitch.
> No, thanks.
> > Dirty fuckin liar.
> Sorry Max. I am not a liar. Learn to read. And I don't mean
> just mouthing off signs you see on a page and shuffling them about.
>`, . ` `k a r e i' ? ' D42

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:

, D42 Kandinskij

On Sat, 7 Sep 2002, Max Herman wrote:

> You suck shit.


> You are a shit sandwich.


> Plus a bloated pile of shit.

And no.

> Hope you figure some great stuff out in your lab.


> "G2K is causing wars."

Yep. Sorry if it doesn't sound pleasant.

> A big hot one up your ass.

You wish.

> Glad we got this all out in the open.

Not at all.

> Now shut up before Rachel kicks you off.

Nope Max.