Re: [thingist] (am i gonnma get anything done today?)

No, you won't :)

On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Plasma Studii wrote:

> How is more information, more experience, more informed opinions
> somehow better, more correct, superior to having less.

It isn't. It's a malaise of modern society, information-greed.
If you stuff your brain full of data, you'll be 'intelligent'.

> That there
> seems to be something "better", correct, about having the "right"
> opinion.

There are no 'right' opinions, as applicable 'now'.

> Like there's a sort of hierarchy, a progression from
> ignorance to wisdom.

There is, but it isn't as presented. Cf. Max 'knee-jerking'
to authority and hierarchy as 'levels' and 'ranks'.

> But, gee whiz, aren't some things both dumb and smart at the exact
> same time?

Like Zen dunces?

> Can't we gain insight from ANY source, no matter how "lowly"
> (or even kitsch?).

No–that's too simplistic. You can gain 'data'.

> Eliminating the need for scholarly influence is
> one way to weed out distractions.


> "Knowing" may even be barking up
> the wrong tree.


> sounds like mez was guided by a strange but apparently true vibe,
> when she commented that she mostly posts (more eloquent) code here
> (though followed it up with poetry?) but she doesn't feel that her
> opinions are enthusiastically welcome. (something like that). Yes,
> that's an odd thing on the Thing. Do posts have to reveal esoteric
> data all the time?

They don't. Thingist has the esoteric-posturing disease.

> Like this french avante garde film guy.

That's not esoteric. What an abused word. Like fascist.

> i don't know his name at all. (Whothehecq - who looks at the names? look at the films. You
> won't get anything out of the names… or maybe somebody does. i
> don't get it.) but as soon as his name was mentioned, we got 300
> posts, brief comments about him. Nobody seems to have anything
> detailed or in particular to say, just that they know the name.

Like most posts here. Utterly empty. A genuine portrait
of modernist disease as applicable, fullof self-referential
faux-esotericism, citation, and 'irony'.

Ah, like we're so cool. And elite. But we need to degrade
others as a tableau against which our 'wisdom' will shine.

> If one or two people did it, who would notice? But there was a swarm
> for days. All a sentence or two, just chitchat (which is cool, but
> so much?) Nothing at all weird about any individual reply, rather the
> whole trend. what flavor is this giving the list (which ULTIMATELY
> tells people (like mez) her opinions won't be welcome here.)

They're not. Only 'inside club posing' is.

> Characters are entirely forgiven for any personal quirks if they
> refer to the right references

And 'veteran status'.

> (are we like "truth" warriors brandishing plumage on our helmets, or

Don't flatter them.

> Not meant as
> offensive armor, purely defensive decoration meant to
> discourage/impress the enemy).

*You simply don't GET it*.

I'm seriously beginning to consider the self-Enlightenment
G2K kit: uniform, martyr-medal, guidebook for manners and
appropriate behavior, various buttons for the various degrees,
the anniversary editions, and so on.

> Nonetheless, it's the characters
> quirks that make this conversation. just enjoy the people, HOW
> everyone talks. That's the gold mine. But what seems trivial is
> WHAT is actually being said. (only that it provides a handy vehicle
> for revealing our characters)

Until one has dealt with one's ego, one always speaks of itself.

Enjoyment? Mu.