Just when you thought it safe to go to Church

Sword-Wielding Performance Artist Arrested in Church

Thu Sep 5, 9:51 AM ET
EDMONTON, Alberta (Reuters) - A crudely disguised man wielding a Samurai
sword burst into a Canadian Jehovah's Witness church and tried to rob 65
congregation members before he was foiled by one who used his cell phone to
alert police, authorities said on Wednesday.

Police responded quickly and arrested the man after convincing him to drop
the 65 centimeter (two foot) blade in the incident late Tuesday at a
northeast Edmonton Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall, police spokesman Dean
Parthenis said.
Officers also recovered a kitchen knife and a medieval-style mace from the
41-year-old suspect, who was dressed in a trenchcoat, a mask fashioned out
of bandages, sunglasses and rubber gloves.
"I'm not sure if it was a meeting or a prayer ceremony taking place, but he
just interrupted and made it quite clear he was looking for money and bank
cards, and he had that sword," Parthenis said.
"Obviously he was quite intimidating and people inside there were quite
Quick thinking by the congregation member with the cellular phone allowed
police in four cruisers to get to the hall and collar the man before he fled
with any money, he said.

The man has been charged with robbery,

wearing a disguise with intent,

possession of an offensive weapon,

carrying a concealed weapon and

possession of a prohibited weapon.