An interesting proposal

Now that we are plunging into a new Hundred Years War, I was thinking in the
shower about how we got to this sorry pass. I've been pretty sure that Bush
ending work against Al-Quaeda, switching from Clinton's "rolling back" to
"eliminating", had a hella lot to do with 9/11 (Brit spymaster says FBI
humped the bunk). So, Bush's election was very very bad in that result. He
put normal terrorist monitoring on hold so he could do his new better plan.
This was bad. Gore as president, no 9/11–just imagine it please.

Why did Bush win? Well, by cheating, but also by Gore's inability to appeal
to Nader Voters as the lesser of two evils. Why was this? Well, it was
because the Democrats had gone too far right trying to catch Bush, and
Clinton had received a sinfully pleasant blowjob.

Why was our nation so insane as to elect a warmongering puppet to total
office? Because Democrats saw no other way than to abandon Naderian
concerns and deny the possibility of integrity in geopolitics. Democrats
allowed themselves to avoid the task of making the nation better, by
appealing to its wisdom and idealism, and ran a tepid campaign worthy of the
truly weak.

Why did artists permit this? Because of their own incompetence. Petty
careerist bullshit was able to squelch the better genius of 2000. G2K could
have had a huge impact on the 2000 elections, perhaps swaying Nader voters
toward Gore, and Gore to Clinton supporters, and the nation back to having a
conscience and dignity. However, art-hacks were able to suppress and negate
Genius 2000 at the behest of the majority of idiots in the art industry.

This is how democracy was destroyed as a human behavior.

Max Herman


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