You've come to the right place. With light
splashing the keys with colors, reflecting
what faces safely letter, where initials go,
while carelessly I foment the variables to

scurry in a code to work. You debug me
against the frieze of your life, which
was spent outside the room spinning floss
candy, textile sugar you wear as you lie

next to me to tempt me, who is so caved-in
from interior decorating he might as well
read a book of English lit, from where, some

where, other than, was me. I write now hurridly

against the knowledge that in a little over
half an hour I'll leave the house, trade
time better spent fashioning blades of ploughs
kissing fragrant myrrh clouds Promethean for

little more, a Smartie Suit, strung together
with the heat of our urgency to couple
and feel now trembling against each other

the proof that we live in more than this.


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