Josh Weissbach @The Unstitute + project opportunity

[text=center][text=center][dis]Corporate Bodies: New participant

'106 River Road'
The Unstitute is proud to present the video ‘106 River Road’ by Josh Weissbach. It has been included in the permanent archive ‘[dis]Corporate Bodies’.

"Employing experimental and nonfiction filmmaking techniques, the entirety of my cinematic project examines themes of spatial wonderment. Originally, I focused on the tenuous relationship between the intimate and the uncanny within domestic space. Central to this process was an investigation of the visual agency of the built form and the manner in which it implicated a history of familial trauma. In my recent work, such as the latest installments of my ongoing series The Addresses, there has been a subversion of the built form. I have also begun to also begun to consider natural spaces that are defined by the vitality of matter and its transfer of force. In much of my work, I have explored formal strategies that alter the composition of a frame physically constituted by film grain. Lately, this approach has shifted, placing an emphasis on the texture of video pixels within appropriated, digital imagery."

Josh Weissbach is an American experimental filmmaker. He currently lives in a house next to an abandoned village in Moodus, Connecticut with his wife, daughter, and three cats. He received his Master of Fine Arts in Film, Video, Animation, and New Genres from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, as well as his Bachelor of Arts in Film-Video Production, Photography, and Cuban Studies from Hampshire College. In 2013, he co-founded Microlights, a screening house specializing in avant-garde film and video based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He has shown his 16mm films and digital videos in film festivals, microcinemas, and galleries domestically and internationally.

About the [dis]Corporate Bodies Project and submission details:

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