Iraq AF

No Iraq Till '04

by maxherman, 08.31.02 07:49 pm

I'm thinking of an art-political project by which artists of all media can
try to prevent a quick US attack on Iraq. The demand would be to wait and
generate alternatives until after the '04 US election. After that, whoever
wins can do it.

It will be necessary to cultivate a massive public opinion change (in the US
esp.) that would embolden opponents to an '03 attack like Colin Powell and
others in Congress.

I think this could be a very exciting challenge both artistically and
politically. Maybe we can get Bjork in on it? It doesn't have to be all
flowers-in-rifle-muzzles either. That way wouldn't work I don't sais.

I mean I hate terrorism too but there's an excellent argument that this
attack on Iraq is more about oil money than terrorism. They are not
necessarily the same issue, and we conflate them at our own group risk.

So if we have to smell the glove let's at least complain hey? Or not. Just
an idea.

There's a netartpolitic group called "The US Department of Art and
Technology" run by some big fellas, Randall Packer and a crew of heavy
hitters, they might help out with some of the tech side.


Re: No Iraq Till '04

by maxherman, 08.31.02 07:51 pm

The url for the USDAT is


Re: No Iraq Till '04

by maxherman, 08.31.02 07:55 pm

This CNN thing seems to suggest that delaying the attack is possible.

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