Re: Start Making Sense


"purposeful narrative" … i see what you mean. i think my mind is working in
the same way. did you see "a beautiful mind"? in the movie, John Nash was
convinced that he was seeing messages. the messages were there [for him] but
not to anyone else. its kinda creepy/freaky that we all seem to have this

david goldschmidt


RHIZOME.ORG -> NET ART NEWS August 30, 2002

Start Making Sense

Humans are hardwired to seek meaning in things that have no meaning. 'You
and We' exploits this tendency, juxtaposing random images and text in a
pleasing, animated, Flash environment.The results seem unaccountably
intentional. Visitors are invited to upload their own images and text into
the 'You and We' database. The software then randomly sorts through the
database like a kind of Tristan Tzara-bot, culling source material and
dynamically displaying it in real time. Try as I might, I still can't view
this piece without reading it as a purposeful narrative. - Curt Cloninger

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