Re: Enema r^2 d~2

I'm assuming everyone has long answered this for themselves.
However, I still haven't the slightest clue after 7 years of this
stuff. Help me out here …

>"meaning is what an explanation of meaning explains"

"meaninglessness is what an explanation of meaninglessness explains"
think about THAT 10 times fast. Ok, now what?

>["Sand"] is an experimental audio/visual work of sound/code poetry
>and interactive/generative music at
>[] . It is meant to be played

… really loudly. I don't care what version browser you have, but
you'll need 200 watt or higher powered speakers. If you don't like
browsers, i make good jambalaya and we'll do that instead.

>The basic "material" of [it] is the word "meaning" and poem-sized coding.

of course, we're talking an EPIC poem here.

nothing personal, jim, but gee whiz, i bet EVERYBODY has works that
description applies to. it's more a comment on what people read into
those promos then any ad itself.

like fortune cookies. the trick seems to be to say just the right
generalities, that readers fill in with their own excitement. some
words set off their projectors, some don't. buzz words, hype and
trends are by their nature, a way to con the band wagoners into
thinking they read something at all. a specific buzz word, used
literally, might even actually be apropos in very specific cases. but
art speak confabulates the whole exercise, makes astoundingly trivial
details sound they have has some ultra novel and profound importance,
like somebody discovered a gold mine and didn't just remember where
they put their change. tell us what makes going to see the given
work worthwhile, why we really should spend our time with a

it's not at all unique to this one post. We get a few a day of
varying lengths. There may be a cool piece up there. I just don't
see why (and a reason rarely appears) so many artists actually WANT
us to visit the work posted. Hits are really all they gain but what
good is another anonymous hit? it counts the same whether I love
what I see or hate it, wether i stared at it for 40 minutes or 40
seconds. it's an absolutely ridiculous measurement. The artists
don't seem to have given WHY much thought either.

Maybe there's something the artist want us to tell us? No. Usually
it is too archaic to be intended as a message. That was not the
impetus, to communicate something to another person. A labyrinth,
not a map. ok though, that's fine. That's just the contemporary art
anti-style style. But why does web art have to obey any contemporary
art trends AT ALL? Where are the Java programmers who make realist
landscapes? Out of millions of people, surely SOMEBODY is working on
form/physical labor and not concepts. The cage door is wide open, we
don't have to sit here in our cells. (and we don't have to guess
what sells either).

one cool thing about the web is that people can upload absolutely
anything. there's no KGB and no laws about conformity. Go wild.
Get crazy. Have some fun. No point in "selling out" or trying to
suss what your target audience will like. No market, nothing to
gain. people should be free to upload whatever they feel all the
time. particularly artsy fartsy artists. there's nothing to sell,
no ticket prices, etc. so we can't possibly upload anything that

but why is this at all important to the author? does anyone actually
HAVE a good reason? so what differentiates the work from a million
other activities one could be engaged in? what features make
experiencing it that much different than waiting for a bus?




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