Furtherfield on the move...

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BlankFurtherfield Update (28/8/02)

Furtherfield has been going through various shifts and changes. We are sure=
many of you know about some of these already. Those who have missed their =
last emails and those who are new members of Furtherfield. Whether you are =
an artist or someone who is intuitive emotionally and conceptually, enjoyin=
g being a part of this ever growing net community; we have a lot to inform =
you about. So rub your eyes, make yourself a strong cup of coffee and let a=
ll the information flood into your pliable craniums.

The Furtherfield office is moving to Finsbury Park - Manor house (London) i=
nto a 1600 sq ft warehouse. The address is at the bottom of this email. All=
the Networking parties will in future be held in this new space. We are go=
ing to use the space to maintain furtherfield's independence by using it as=
an 'on and off' exhibiting space for the support and promotion of up and c=
oming digital, activist, explorative artists. And of course will continue c=
ollaborative projects with other net based groups locally and globally.

All those who are waiting for their work to be featured or hosted on furthe=
rfield, please be patient for currently we are building and decorating in t=
he new space, give us a couple of weeks to get your work online. All those =
who wish to send submissions to furtherfield for consideration can still se=
nd them, give us about a week for response. And if anyone who is living in =
London suddenly gets the urge to help us get the space up and running, don'=
t be shy, an extra pair of hands can always come in handy (scuze slack the =

We will continue to:
a.. Place net art and agit-prop art-work up in the streets with submissio=
ns sent via email globally.
b.. Hold Networking Parties 'where anyone can turn up and discuss their i=
deas, promote projects and show their work'.
c.. Host and support independent artists via the Furtherfield web site.
d.. Host musicians, aural soundscape artists and noisemakers on our siste=
r site Furthernoise.org
e.. Not ask for any money from artists for designing their sites.
f.. Collect diary entries for our perpetual project DIDO - [http://www.di=
g.. Train people to use various web design programs in return for helping=
us with furtherfield upkeep.
h.. Share skills and ideas with people from all walks of life, judging by=
their quality and not by their background.
i.. Exhibit artists work whether they have been to college or not, it's t=
he context not the lineage we are into.

We would also like to thank AKAART, for generously hosting furtherfield a=
nd its various projects.

http://www.furtherfield.org/skinstrip/ 'Skin/Strip Online' invites the gl=
obal digital community to anonymously express their physical identity using=
visual images of their bodies. Individual net users participate in a colle=
ctive, live event, confronting social and cultural representations of the b=
ody within the net community, by revealing and viewing their previously unk=
nown, corporeality via net-based technology. Including two introductory ess=
ays by Alan Sondheim and Lewis LaCooke.

http://www.furtherfield.org/crit/index.htm Lewis LaCooke is our first cri=
tic in residence on Furtherfield. Offering regular and informative reviews =
of varied explorative projects & artworks featured on furtherfield, plus ot=
her works by artists who are currently exhibiting on the Internet.

http://www.furtherfield.org/ffield/index2.htm Furtherprojects, a page tha=
t shows all our current projects and what we are up to, still to be updated=
(of course).

New Work on Furtherfield.org
Fascinum - Christophe Bruno
The Bomb Project - Joy Garnett
AirStream - John Blanchard
Short Films - Ruth Catlow
Marc Garrett's Writings - Marc Garrett
A Population in Peril - Cor[porat]e [Per]form[ance] Art[ists] Joseph Frankl=
yn McElroy & Donna McElroy
Flash Poetry Generator 3.0 - Lewis LaCook
Taxidermy - New Micki Tshcur
Goatboy - New Micki Tshcur

Furtherfield wishes to thank all those who have submitted their new work an=
d for their patience in waiting for it to happen. [We still have more new s=
ubmissions to add to furtherfield, due to being over-run and over-worked we=
will put the rest up in a few weeks - Phew!]

Furtherfield is an non profit independent online platform for the creation,=
promotion, and archiving of new work for public viewing and interaction. F=
urtherfield collaborates with independent visual artists, digital/net artis=
ts, writers, critical thinkers, musicians and noisemakers with a special fo=
cus on work developed and produced outside the recognised institutional sup=
port structures (colleges, galleries, corporate and public funding). We exp=
lore new and imaginative strategies for communicating ideas and issues in a=
range of digital & terrestrial media contexts.
Furtherfield's activities focus on presenting works online and organising g=
lobal, contributory projects, which exist simultaneously on the Internet, t=
he streets and public venues.

We can make our own World . . .

Arena Business Centre
17 Ashfield Road
London N4 1NY
t:+44 (0)208 802 2827
m:0773 633 4153
[email protected]

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<BODY id=ridBody bgColor=#ffffff
<DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080
size=3>Furtherfield Update (28/8/02)</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV align=center><STRONG><FONT face="Courier New"
<DIV align=left><FONT color=#000080 size=3><FONT size=2><FONT
face="Courier New"><FONT color=#000000 size=1>Furtherfield has been g=
through&nbsp;various shifts and&nbsp;changes. We&nbsp;are sure many of you =
about some of these already. Those who have missed their last emails and th=
who are new members of Furtherfield. Whether you are an artist or someone w=
ho is
intuitive emotionally and conceptually, enjoying being a part of this ever=

growing net community;&nbsp;we have a lot to inform you about. So rub your =
make yourself a strong cup of coffee and let all the information flood into=
pliable craniums. <BR><BR>The Furtherfield office is moving to Finsbury Par=
k -
Manor house&nbsp;(London) into a 1600 sq ft warehouse. The address is at th=
bottom of this email. All the Networking parties will in future be held in =
new space. We are going to use the space to maintain furtherfield's
independence&nbsp;by using it as an 'on and off' exhibiting space for the=

support and promotion of up and coming digital, activist,
explorative&nbsp;artists. And of course&nbsp;will continue collaborative
projects with other net based groups locally and globally.<BR><BR>All those=
are waiting for their work to be featured or hosted on furtherfield, please=
patient for currently we are building and decorating in the new space, give=
us a
couple of weeks to get your work online. All those who wish to send
submissions<FONT color=#000080 size=2>&nbsp;</FONT>to furtherfield for=

consideration can still send them, give us about a week&nbsp;for response. =
if anyone who is living in London suddenly gets the urge to help us get the=

space up and running, don't be shy, an extra pair of hands can always come =
handy (scuze slack the pun).&nbsp;</FONT></FONT></FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV align=left><STRONG><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080 size=
=1>We will
continue to:</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face="Courier New" size=1>Place&nbsp;net art =
agit-prop art-work up in the streets with submissions sent via email glob=
<DIV align=left><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=
size=1>Hold Networking Parties 'where anyone can turn up and discuss th=
ideas, promote projects and show their work'.</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=
size=1>Host and support independent artists via the Furtherfield web
<DIV align=left><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=
size=1>Host musicians, aural soundscape artists and noisemakers on our =
site Furthernoise.org</FONT></FONT></DIV>
<DIV align=left><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=
size=1>Not ask for any money from artists for designing their
<DIV align=left><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=
size=1>Collect diary entries for our perpetual project DIDO -&nbsp;[<A=

<DIV align=left><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=
<DIV>Train&nbsp;people&nbsp;to use&nbsp;various web design programs in
return&nbsp;for helping us with furtherfield upkeep.</DIV></FONT></FONT><=
<LI><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=#000000 size=
<DIV align=left>Share skills and ideas with people from all walks of li=
judging by their quality and not by their background.</DIV></FONT></FONT>
<LI><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT color=#000000 size=
<DIV align=left>Exhibit&nbsp;artists work whether they have been to col=
lege or
not, it's the context not the lineage we are into.</DIV>
<DIV align=left><BR></FONT></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"
size=1><BR></FONT><FONT face="Courier New" color=#000080><FONT colo=
size=1><STRONG>We would also like to thank </STRONG><A
href="http://www.akaart.net/"><FONT face="Courier New" color=#00000=
size=1><STRONG>AKAART</STRONG></FONT></A><FONT color=#000080><FONT
size=1><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG><FONT color=#000000>, for g=
hosting furtherfield and its various
face=Arial size=2>&nbsp;<FONT color=#ffffff>'</FONT><FONT face="C=
ourier New"
color=#000000 size=1>Skin/Strip Online' invites the global digital co=
to anonymously express their physical identity using visual images of the=
bodies. Individual net users participate in a collective, live event,
confronting social and cultural representations of the body within the ne=
community, by revealing and viewing their previously unknown, corporealit=
y via
net-based technology. Including&nbsp;two introductory essays by Alan Sond=
and Lewis LaCooke.&nbsp;</FONT></FONT><BR><BR><A
color=#000080>&nbsp;<B>Lewis LaCooke</B> <FONT color=#000000>is our f=
critic in residence on Furtherfield. Offering regular and informative rev=
of varied explorative projects &amp; artworks featured on furtherfield, p=
other works by artists who are currently exhibiting on the
color=#000080><STRONG>Furtherprojects</STRONG>, <FONT color=#000000>a=
that shows all&nbsp;our current&nbsp;projects and what we are up to, stil=
l to
be updated (of course).<BR></FONT><BR></FONT></FONT></FONT><STRONG><FONT=

face="Courier New" color=#000080><A
href="http://www.furtherfield.org/home.html">New Work on
Furtherfield.org</A></FONT></STRONG><FONT color=#0000ff><STRONG><FONT=

face="Courier New"></DIV></LI></UL></FONT></STRONG></FONT>
<DIV><FONT color=#000080><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT size=1><FONT=

color=#0000ff><FONT color=#000080><STRONG>Fascinum -</STRONG></FONT>
color=#000000><FONT face="Courier New"><BR><FONT color=#000080
size=1><STRONG>The Bomb Project - Joy Garnett</STRONG></FONT></FONT></FON=
color=#000000><BR></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT color=#000080=

size=1><STRONG>AirStream - John Blanchard</STRONG></FONT></FONT><FONT
face="Courier New"><BR><FONT size=1><FONT color=#000080><STRONG>Short=

Films&nbsp;- Ruth Catlow</STRONG></FONT><BR></FONT></FONT><FONT
color=#000080><FONT face="Courier New" size=1><STRONG>Marc Garrett's =
Writings -
Marc Garrett</STRONG></FONT><FONT color=#000000><FONT
face="Courier New"><BR></FONT><FONT face="Courier New"><STRONG><FONT
color=#000080 size=1>A Population in Peril - Cor[porat]e [Per]form[ance=
Art[ists] Joseph Franklyn McElroy &amp; Donna
face="Courier New"></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#000080><FONT face="Courier New" size=1><STRONG>Flas=
h Poetry
Generator 3.0 - Lewis LaCook</STRONG></FONT></FONT><FONT
face="Courier New"></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Courier New"><FONT size=1><FONT color=#000080><STRON=
-</STRONG></FONT>&nbsp;</FONT><FONT color=#000080><STRONG><FONT size=1>=
New Micki
Tshcur</FONT></STRONG><FONT color=#000000><BR></FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT=

size=1><FONT color=#000080 size=2><FONT face="Courier New"
size=1><STRONG>Goatboy - New Micki Tshcur</STRONG></FONT><FONT
color=#000000><FONT face="Courier New"
<DIV><FONT size=1><FONT color=#000080 size=2><FONT color=#000000><F=
face="Courier New"
<DIV><FONT size=1><FONT color=#000080 size=2><FONT color=#000000><F=
face="Courier New" size=1><STRONG>Furtherfield wishes to thank all
those&nbsp;who have submitted their new work&nbsp;and for&nbsp;their patien=
ce in
waiting for it to happen.<FONT color=#000080> </FONT>[We still have more=

new&nbsp;submissions to add to furtherfield, due to being over-run and
over-worked we will put the rest up in a few weeks -
<DIV><FONT size=+0><FONT color=#000080><FONT face="Courier New"
size=1>Furtherfield is an non profit independent online platform for the=

creation, promotion, and archiving of new work for public viewing and
interaction. Furtherfield collaborates with independent visual artists,
digital/net artists, writers, critical thinkers, musicians and noisemakers =
a special focus on work developed and produced outside the recognised
institutional support structures (colleges, galleries, corporate and public=

funding). We explore new and imaginative strategies for communicating ideas=
issues in a range of digital &amp; terrestrial media contexts.</FONT></DIV>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=1>Furtherfield's activities focus on p=
works online and organising global, contributory projects, which exist
simultaneously on the Internet, the streets and public venues. </FONT></P>
<P><FONT face="Courier New" size=1></FONT></P>
<P align=center><FONT face="Courier New" size=1><B>We can make our ow=
n World . .
<DIV align=center><FONT size=+0><FONT color=#000080><FONT color=#00=
face="Courier New"><FONT color=#000080
<DIV align=center><A href="http://www.furtherfield.org"><FONT
face="Courier New"></FONT></A>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face="Courier New">Furtherfield.org<BR>Arena Business Centre<B=
Ashfield Road<BR>London N4 1NY<BR>t:+44 (0)208 802 2827<BR>m:0773 633
4153<BR></FONT><A href="mailto:[email protected]"><FONT
face="Courier New">[email protected]</FONT></A><BR><A
face="Courier New">http://www.furtherfield.org</FONT></A></DIV></DIV></DI=
