At 01:10 PM 8/27/2002 -0700, you wrote:

>A kind of light that's nice, mute
>and unable to talk back, shouting,

.orality stripped of text * mouthing gnash…………..

>"The leaves of the trees are now
>flat beneath my fingers!" stretches

.silked screamings ruin the out.moss.sphere……..

>across Virginia. In order to breed
>a more masterful race, we sterilize

…our ears, punching strata in2 pin.pinked gages…..

>cinder crosses like whip-kisses on
>the backs of downtown G's.

.g-lined forces & closed-][mind][hull boxes……….

>It's embroidery, though
>we all know grandmothers who
>sucked grief from a gat's progeny:

.statements of wor][n][th splayed in fi][ctional][laments………

>we can't unravel it. Even that loose thread
>on the poetics list about randomness and haze

.regurg & stop. <if> cut, <then> paste………….

>reads like comfort in a bombed-out chill.
>So much faith in life and death; so much

…][a][ward bloc.][john][kages thru strips N covert stripes……….

>for exchange, the rates through which
>bodies coalesce, adhere, assimilate. I

.& junket-like, revolving in2 fac][e][simile's mess………

>for one don't want worship anymore, to pile
>a reputation around myself like the parched lips
>of a hole in which to bury my head

…or transfix a viewers gaze in con][C++][creted red?

>while all that's free and good kills in the desert.
>All I want is what's crumbled in my hands.

.rumbled in theoretical gloss.

. . …. …..
collapsing adj[thr]usting.txt
…. . .??? …….