New ArtCast podcasts from folly and Art Locates Me

folly, a leading digital arts organisation working in the Northwest of England and online, has released a new series of ArtCast, this time in association with Art Locates Me. Experience these podcasts now at

ArtCast is folly’s ongoing series of podcasting programmes - a platform for public access to new, innovative sound & video art.

Art Locates Me is a digital art and media project producing and distributing work made by young people from Cumbria.

Art Locates Me aims to increase opportunities for young people to participate in digital arts activities in Cumbria, develop the role of the arts in the personal and social development of young people and raise the profile of digital arts activities in the region.

Collaborating artists work with the young people to teach digital arts skills; including film making, photography, music production, VJing, animation, interactive art and graphic design. This results in a wide range of work which we will be showcasing in this series of ArtCast.

This is a series of six videos. Starting on 4th December 2008, a new video will be released every Thursday - three in December and three in the New Year.

For more information about Art Locates Me and to view more work made by young people from Cumbria visit