Emoji Art & Design Show at Eyebeam

The Emoji Art & Design Show surveys the spread of emoji through popular culture with an art exhibition and Emoji Pop-Up Market.


In today’s visually oriented culture, which increasingly communicates through images rather than text, emoji comprise a kind of “visual vernacular,” a language that conveys humor, ambiguity and personality as well as meaning.

This visual form of communication isn’t necessarily new—from cave paintings, to hieroglyphics, to religious and mythological symbols encoded in traditional painting and sculpture, we’ve been communicating through images since the dawn of mankind—but its dominance in culture today, especially among millennials, seems to indicate a greater shift in our approach to self-expression.


Emoji are everywhere. The little pictographic characters from Japan have become one of our favorite causal modes of communication and their influence has permeated popular culture and personal expression.

If you’re an artist or designer working with emoji, send us your work. We’re looking for a diverse array of interpretations and appropriations of the emoji that exist both on and offline. The show welcomes new and existing works from a variety of mediums ranging from net art, to painting and sculpture, video and performance.

Designers looking to sell their emoji-themed products should apply to participate in the pop-up market. Please note that all pop-up market vendors should be local to NYC or able to staff their own booth.

Learn more & submit your work now through November 8th.

Presented by:
Forced Meme Productions

Official Media Partner: