+ BB3

Dear Rhizomers,

2 announcements : "Being There: BB3" and '" launch"

I am super pleased to announce the launch of a new catalog raisonne/site redesign for my project site:

Design in collaboration with

The redesign uses an interactive grid architecture across media and across projects, 2002-2008.

Coincidentally, today is the opening of 'Being There: Mapping the Contemporary" the Bucharest Biennial 3, curated by Bildmuseet Umea (Sweden) curators Jan-Erik Lundstrom and Johan Sjostrom


At BB3, Museum of Geology, Bucharest, Carrizoprime (2006) is showing as a single channel installation video. Click here to enjoy a podcast:\_casts.html and the info\_inst.html

Other works in the biennial include large scale photomontage, including Slipcity (2005)

Artists in BB3:

Kristoffer Ardeña (ES/PH)
Lauri Astala (FI)
Milena Bonilla (CO)
Bureau D’Études (FR)
Renaud Auguste-Dormeuil (FR)
Lukas Einsele (DE)
Buckminster Fuller (USA)
Atlas Linguarum Europae (EUR)
Eduard Freudmann & Can Gülcü & Lorenz Aggermann (A)
Lucia Ganieva (RU/NL)
Frances Goodman (ZA) (ES)
Mona Hatoum (PS/LB/GB)
Brian Holmes (FR/USA)
Ashley Hunt (USA)
Karlo-Andrei Ibarra (PR)
Johan Jarnestad (SE)
Emma Kay (GB)
Maria Lantz (SE)
Cezar Lazarescu (RO)
Philippe Rekacewicz/Le Monde Diplomatique (FR)
Dinu Li (GB/HN)
Armin Linke (IT)
Mikael Lundberg (SE)
Bertien van Manen (NL)
Adrian Matei (RO)
Christina McPhee (USA)
Randa Mirza (LB)
Oliver Musovik (MK)
Karina Nimmerfall (A)
Josh On (USA)
Yoko Ono (USA)
Lia Perjovschi (RO)
Arno Peters (DE)
Sabine Réthoré (FR)
Arjen Van Susteren (NL)
Jan Svenungsson (SE)
Adriana Varejão (BR)

The curators write: "Never perfect, never complete or altogether comprehensive, never final, but always tentative, wanting, deficient, incomplete, unnerving - representation is failure, representation is loss - and yet capable, versatile, illuminating, productive, and life-saving…. Each and every map is pursuing its particular job, its specific incremental addition to the world, its reading of specific elements, components, details, of the world, its undoing of those same elements, specificities, particulars; while, simultaneously, pointing - insidiously and exuberantly - to that always over-determined totality of all measures and things, that which we like to call reality."