code brush with alien lingo!!!!

Macromedia Is shite. I use it all the time and I hate them. I put up wi= th it with it because it frees me from my fear of code (alien language) and= lets me explore. I'm working with video at the moment. I just couldn't= have done with it what I'm doing in flash without another 3 years, rath= er more money and a new brain (mine melts at anything above basic scripting)
'nuff said. I've bored even myself.
from jess====

i do a LOT of coding in flash—while i love it as a tool, i am (& this doesn't apply to you, really) getting awfully tired of seeing work that relies entirely on rollovers (which are graphically constructed in flash) for their interactivity…would be nice if more people would learn to code====it actually opens up a much bigger arena, and it's basically what distinguishes from, oh, television…

===and that's my rant for the day!!===