Call for Artists - Gallery Exhibit in Chicago

It's hard to explain the show in a blurb, so please see the site for all the information.

In summary, it is a large group gallery show, featuring a wide range of mediums - installations, painting, typography, bookmaking, graphic design, glass sculpture, photography- all around the theme of 39 lines of text.

The artists can choose any line or a number of lines and either include the text in the actual work, use the "one-line poem" in the title, or use it as the inspiration for the work.

It will be a highly publicized show at a blue-chip gallery in Chicago. The show will take place in the spring of 2004. Even if you're not interested in submitting a piece, I'd be interested in getting feedback about the project. Submission cutoff date is Jan 04.

Thank you, take care,
Kathryn Born
Diamond Life Cafe