ACW Video Salon (fwd)

Open Call:

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Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 21:58:15 +0000
From: Riva Lowe <[email protected]>
To: AA Boc group <[email protected]>
Subject: ACW Video Salon

Serpentine Gallery
Video Salon and Open Call

Sunday 14 July 2002 at 3pm
The Sackler Centre of Arts Education

at the Serpentine Gallery

A Constructed World, artists-in-residence at the Serpentine gallery, invite
you to STUPID, a Video Salon and Open Call

The Video Salon program includes works by artists from New York, Melbourne,
Milan and London

Open Call invites anyone to present a VHS video work of up to five minutes
on first come first screened basis

Program of work includes
Gabriele Di Matteo