projet MICA

Project M.I.C.A.

International Module of Communication and Action
English version

Inventory of the means of exchanges in the alternative networks

The wild economic universalization of the groups of individuals gathered to=
be opposed to the drifts generated by ultra-liberalism. The fight is organ=
ized everywhere for reasons and with objectives often rather different. Thi=
s mosaic of international dispute undergoes the mocking remarks of the stat=
es and the media whose objective is to minimize the range of action of thes=
e groups. In this being useful for model of the Taylorism set up since many=
years by the capitalist system the media try to reduce the range of the di=
spute by comparing it to a disorganized and not very effective anarchistic =

If it is true that the actions carried out by these groups do not have stro=
ng impacts on the market economy, their force precisely lies in the flexibi=
lity of their structure and the impact which they impose on the individual =
conscience through the media aspect their actions.

New communication and information technologies made it possible to these mi=
litants to set up means of diffusion and exchanges on a planetary scale to =
make known their actions and to help them in the organization of the demons=
trations. Internet sites devoted to these forms of disputes are compost whi=
ch supports the emergence of the ideas, which allows the synergy of the kno=
wledge to make individual and collective, makes it possible to think a new =
form of total social relation. In addition to the sites specific to each mo=
vement protestor, there are gates which allow: to reach quickly the various=
sets of themes of each group, to constitute data bases, to exchange by the=
means of the forums