Spiraling Water (2009)

Three-channel HD video installation with audio, rear projection fabric, stainless steel armature, 2009.

Ceaseless water from a tall, glacial waterfall is projected horizontally, so it dizzyingly shoots around the viewer on a rising, spiral form.

Audio of the pounding water, is directed into the center of the spiral, adding an auditory shift as viewers move within the spiral enclosure.

This installation is primarily meant to be experienced from within.

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Spiraling Water (2009)

Three-channel HD video installation with audio, rear projection fabric, stainless steel armature.

Height increases from 6’ 2” to 8’ 3”

Width: inner 6’ - outer 10’

Depth: 8’

Installation view: H2O Film on Water, Newport Mill, Newport, NH, 2009

The footage of the glacier waterfall was filmed in Iceland.

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