He's still looking for someone real (2009)

There are many ways to explore your sexuality on the internet. All have in common the creation of a bridge between our imagination (our fantasies) and reality. It is neither one nor the other; it is somewhere in between. Many science-fiction stories suggest that in the future human beings will give up physical sex altogether and only have sex by connecting our brains directly to someone else's.


21st Century Love = 3 sum with a machine

Full Description

There are many ways to explore your sexuality on the internet. All have in common the creation of a bridge between our imagination (our fantasies) and reality. It is neither one nor the other; it is somewhere in between. Many science-fiction stories suggest that in the future human beings will give up physical sex altogether and only have sex by connecting our brains directly to someone else's.


21st Century Love = 3 sum with a machine

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