Pixel Proximity (2003)

Upon entering the gallery, the viewer finds a life size projection of the artist on the wall. A small sonar sensor lays on the floor in front of the image, so that upon walking closer, the image gradually breaks up becoming more and more pixelated.The pixilization is accompanied by a corresponding sound that raises in pitch as the image continues to distort. The closer the viewer gets to the image, the more 'digital' it becomes, with information being reduced to smaller and smaller quanta.

Full Description

Upon entering the gallery, the viewer finds a life size projection of the artist on the wall. A small sonar sensor lays on the floor in front of the image, so that upon walking closer, the image gradually breaks up becoming more and more pixelated.The pixilization is accompanied by a corresponding sound that raises in pitch as the image continues to distort. The closer the viewer gets to the image, the more 'digital' it becomes, with information being reduced to smaller and smaller quanta.

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