Ce que peut un corps / possible bodies (2003)

"Ce que peut un corps / possible bodies" is a web-based project for the keyboard and computer. As you play with your keyboard, play with the movements of Fred Astaire in the movie " Shall We Dance " (1937), with a sampled sequence. Thus, Fred Astaire plays with an industrial machine. Forget Astaire's "elegance," and transform him into a sequential and repetitive (hysterical) body.

"Ce que peut un corps / possible bodies" was originally an interactive installation for the piano and the computer.

Full Description

"Ce que peut un corps / possible bodies" is a web-based project for the keyboard and computer. As you play with your keyboard, play with the movements of Fred Astaire in the movie " Shall We Dance " (1937), with a sampled sequence. Thus, Fred Astaire plays with an industrial machine. Forget Astaire's "elegance," and transform him into a sequential and repetitive (hysterical) body.

"Ce que peut un corps / possible bodies" was originally an interactive installation for the piano and the computer.

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