Digital Artists using Fiber Techniques

I am currently researching artists who integrate fibers techniques (like sewing, weaving, etc.) as part of their making process AND/OR artists who use fiber metaphors like quilting as an organizing or navigational principle.

I am particularly interested in what attracted these artists to fibers techniques/ideas in the first place.

Do you know of an artist and/or project that fits this description?


, marshall reese

My partner Nora Ligorano and I are working on a fiber optic tapestry, a woven fabric of information - would be happy to tell you more about it.

, Rebecca Mushtare

I would love to hear more, this sounds incredibly interesting — and exactly the type of project I am looking to write about.

[email protected]

, Ceci Moss

I would check out all the artists who presented at Craft Hackers, a Rhizome New Silent Series event from two years ago:

I would also look into Open Source Embroidery, an ongoing project curated by Ele Carpenter:

The catalog for the Radical Lace and Subversive Knitting show at MAD would be a good resource as well:¤trecord=1&page=seealso&profile=exhibitions&searchdesc=Past%20Exhibitions&searchstring=Past/,/greater%20than/,/0/,/false/,/true&action=searchrequest&style=single¤trecord=17

I would definitely track down past issues of KnitKnit or get the book:

Lastly, I just received the press release for a new show that looks relevant, The New Materiality: Digital Dialogues at the Boundaries of Contemporary Craft, at the Fuller Craft Museum. If you live near Boston, maybe you can see it, it opens in late May:

Hope this is helpful and good luck!

, Rebecca Mushtare

Thank you Ceci, these are excellent resources!


, Pete Ippel

Greetings, Rebecca,

I just found out about Rachel Beth Egenhoefer her projects are very intriguing.

I've also been weaving recently and created a piece entitled "Gender Resolution" In addition I distributed and sewed up checks into a matrix and have been discovering huge aesthetic resonance between the act of sewing and my relationship with digital imagery. The most recent works are called "Checkered Past" and "Implied Tree". Both can be viewed here

I learned how to knit and purl today, further exploring the similarities between pixels, vectors, weaving, sewing, and knitting. I am constantly updating my blog with video, photo, and research as I make my discoveries. Be sure to view the Material Property series of videos.

All my best,