An Interview with Dmytri Kleiner, authour of The Telekommunist Manifesto.

An Interview with Dmytri Kleiner, authour of The Telekommunist Manifesto.


"Furtherfield recently received a hard copy of The Telekommunist Manifesto in the post. After reading the manifesto, it was obvious that it was pushing the debate further regarding networked, commons-based and collaborative endeavours. It is a call to action, challenging our social behaviours and how we work with property and the means of its production. Proposing alternative routes beyond the creative commons, and top-down forms of capitalism (networked and physical), with a Copyfarleft attitude and the Telekommunist's own collective form of Venture Communism. Many digital art collectives are trying to find ways to maintain their ethical intentions in a world where so many are easily diverted by the powers that be, perhaps this conversation will offer some glimpse of how we can proceed with some sense of shared honour, in the maelstrom we call life…"M.Garrett.

Dmytri Kleiner, authour of The Telekommunist Manifesto, is a software developer who has been working on projects "that investigate the political economy of the Internet, and the ideal of workers’ self-organization of production as a form of class struggle." Born in the USSR, Dmytri grew up in Toronto and now lives in Berlin. He is a founder of the Telekommunisten Collective, which provides Internet and telephone services, as well as undertakes artistic projects that explore the way communication technologies have social relations embedded within them, such as deadSwap (2009) and Thimbl (2010).


, marc garrett

not sure what happend but the site suddenly jolted & gave me a 502 error - thus the post is all bunched up and looks rubbish…