Ronnie Raygun

Take a look at this from the village voice.
I am amazed at how young naive people here still
like the guy. Of course that was always the joke,
he was likeable and that was it.

Anyway the link is:

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

P.S. The local newspaper did say that opinion in Northern CA
was divided about him.


, JM Haefner

Let me chime in -though I just picked up a few emails ago.

This is The Village Voice, do you think this is readily available in
middle america? Being from farm country -I can say, "no." It's a big
county and not everyone has a computer, and not everyone can get to a
big bookstore chain. You don't find this in your local grocery store.
Heck, you can't even pick up NPR in most of Texas (but that figures,
doesn't it).

In my view, most people don't read the newspaper, and when they do they
don't put things together…

Like the fact that the leaders in the countries that supported Bush and
the misdirected war effort are NOT getting reelected.


On Sunday, June 13, 2004, at 12:00 PM, [email protected]

> Take a look at this from the village voice.
> I am amazed at how young naive people here still
> like the guy. Of course that was always the joke,
> he was likeable and that was it.
> Anyway the link is:
> Have Fun,
> Sends Steve
> P.S. The local newspaper did say that opinion in Northern CA
> was divided about him.