Memories Center (2014)

From a database of 20,000 dreams compiled at the University of California by Adam Schneider and G. William Domhoff, a software based on Markov chain produce dreamlike sequences. The software reads and fetches images on the Internet corresponding to chosen keywords and create infinite dreaming process. A server rack blends into the stone, lights indicate a residual disk vibrates while stubbornly activity. The dreams of the machines are the captures of our existences.

Full Description

From a database of 20,000 dreams compiled at the University of California by Adam Schneider and G. William Domhoff, a software based on Markov chain produce dreamlike sequences. The software reads and fetches images on the Internet corresponding to chosen keywords and create infinite dreaming process. A server rack blends into the stone, lights indicate a residual disk vibrates while stubbornly activity. The dreams of the machines are the captures of our existences.

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