Agrocities 2 (2015)

The networking of rural villages re / definition of the public spaces of these abandoned rural contexts. Turn on a light of hope, we know we launch into marginality in the gray area where lurks labor exploitation. Where the old settlers have returned to live in the countries and among the abandoned houses are writing new human stories.

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Artist Statement

For years now, migrants are a reality in our territories. The immigration processes were repeated several times and with different mechanisms (Albanians, Romanians, Poles, Africans, North Africans …) in the last twenty years reflecting the historical events of the moment: the fall of the Berlin Wall to the ecological alterations in sub-Saharan Africa, which led to famine, war, social discrimination in those territories. Despite this, in Italy there is a concrete response and planned to deal with these phenomena, there is no response from the institutions very often due to a close ideological and political to the problem and a lack of knowledge of the same.

At the regional level, in Basilicata, the responses of local institutions are inadequate and this is due to a lack of consideration of migration and to a deficiency in the policy on the issues of 'immigration and labor, the absence of peripheral structures in the territories, to the lack of a social organization of migrants settled. There are a few associations and social and cultural activities and training aimed at migrants and often not well connected to each other.


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