Workshop: Drawing the Third Dimension (2013)

A workshop in creating live 3D visuals in Max/MSP Jitter and Blender.

Full Description

This workshop will focus on Max/MSP Jitter’s OpenGL framework to create compelling interactive visuals in 3D. We will also be using Blender (a free and open source 3D modeling software) to create our own basic models to import and work with in Jitter. Participants will leave the 6 hour workshop with a trove of reusable code and resources to begin writing their own 3D Video software or Interactive Visual Environments. In addition to covering the basics of setting up your scene and going through some of the more technical considerations for your virtual scene we will touch on the following concepts:

Defining environmental attributes for your space such as depth, lighting, and immersive backdrops. Mixing between multiple video sources to create a simple video cueing program for performance or dynamic texturing. Importing your own models or geometry from your favorite 3d animation software. (Blender, Maya, Autocad…) Have your models, shapes, images, and videos react to live or prerecorded sound. Fill your virtual world with your own media (Sound/Video/Image/Drawing) Animate your media in real-time (Spin It – Move It – Warp It – Destroy It) Colorize/texturize/materialize and otherwise manipulate your media visually/sonically. Basic modeling techniques in Blender to create 3D models

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