Landfill (2012)

A panoramic video projection shows computer generated images of a barren earth

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Generative installation With the support of FQRSC

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Artist Statement

A panoramic video projection shows computer generated images of a barren earth. In a long and endless tracking shot the camera travels over the surface of this earth. Viewers will wonder about the nature of this uneven terrain, which they don’t quite know how to identify. Is it the moon, another planet, or a distant land ? The irregularities in the surface suggest excavations and the removal of materials from the soil. Perhaps this is, after all, our planet, but in a time that is difficult to envision. The video proposes a speculative view of an uninhabited earth, imagined in a very distant future after the extinction of the human race. In moving through the room visitors will arrive at this realization after having made the link with the exhibited objects.


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