A homage to "I'll meet you here", a homage by David Horvitz to Bas Jan Ader (2008)

by 1056895

The arrow is pointed on the horizon, and the horizon is always an impossible place of destination. It is the point where the discernible becomes indiscernible, where one can disappear. It is at an unreachable distance because it is always away from where you are, yet still in the realm of the visible. It is always where you can never be, yet you can always see it. Like a photograph or film, it is only tangible with the eyes.

Full Description

The arrow is pointed on the horizon, and the horizon is always an impossible place of destination. It is the point where the discernible becomes indiscernible, where one can disappear. It is at an unreachable distance because it is always away from where you are, yet still in the realm of the visible. It is always where you can never be, yet you can always see it. Like a photograph or film, it is only tangible with the eyes.

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