Circuits- a selection photoshop tool composition (2010)

by #edecc1

Circuits, screen video-capture of an animated composition, using the selecting tool of Photoshop. It was made on a small scale, holding the shift button, on the tiled "invisible" background, creating a 'magma' of dotted lines. The shapes emerging are based on computer circuits, like shadows of the physical aspect of the digital, surrounded by an informational flux. It is a capture of what is volatile, un-saveable by Photoshop, exhibited in a running Photoshop window, and presents more than it shows a representation.

It is part of a selection of Photoshop tool composition series, each being uniquely composed for a given exhibit, though all based on the same schemes. There are other captures on Vimeo.

Full Description

Circuits, screen video-capture of an animated composition, using the selecting tool of Photoshop. It was made on a small scale, holding the shift button, on the tiled "invisible" background, creating a 'magma' of dotted lines. The shapes emerging are based on computer circuits, like shadows of the physical aspect of the digital, surrounded by an informational flux. It is a capture of what is volatile, un-saveable by Photoshop, exhibited in a running Photoshop window, and presents more than it shows a representation.

It is part of a selection of Photoshop tool composition series, each being uniquely composed for a given exhibit, though all based on the same schemes. There are other captures on Vimeo.

Work metadata

  • Year Created: 2010
  • Submitted to ArtBase: Thursday Jun 2nd, 2011
  • Original Url:
  • Work Credits:
    • #edecc1,
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