Stripping Home (2010)

I like to think of this work as a logical consequence -but it might not be logic at all- of my former one "Home stripper" ( ) because this one would disclose what was veiled in that one: that what was stripping at those videos was the house. So "Stripping Home" is a nude disclosing -without any passion- of the whole house in a sequence of photographs built as an animation that links rooms with each other. Each stanza is made up of 360 degree sequence of takes with a home digital camera and then put together in a Java Applet which shows them as a continuous loop.

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I like to think of this work as a logical consequence -but it might not be logic at all- of my former one "Home stripper" ( ) because this one would disclose what was veiled in that one: that what was stripping at those videos was the house. So "Stripping Home" is a nude disclosing -without any passion- of the whole house in a sequence of photographs built as an animation that links rooms with each other. Each stanza is made up of 360 degree sequence of takes with a home digital camera and then put together in a Java Applet which shows them as a continuous loop.

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