The Water Series: Metamorphics (2010)

Metamorphics are changes on the water: night lights reflected on its dark surface constantly building up new intense shapes of colors. They are like unnoticed changes, upon each other, in a random progression and ever reenacting shapes and colors. Metamorphics resemble photos from the space: fluids, gases and lights in an eternal movement, like the stars in the sky. The deep meaning of water as a primordial element is seen as a reflection of the universe - a complex structure that aggregates energies in a random fiction of the creation. Metamorphics can be seen as the result of an undesired movement, a constant fluid waving and weaving its own destiny. No longer it is the water; one cannot simply see it just like water. The Metamorphics are enforced by strong contrast, high levels of noise, and background light reduction. This process emphasizes much the whole illusion of the frames and ...

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Metamorphics are changes on the water: night lights reflected on its dark surface constantly building up new intense shapes of colors. They are like unnoticed changes, upon each other, in a random progression and ever reenacting shapes and colors. Metamorphics resemble photos from the space: fluids, gases and lights in an eternal movement, like the stars in the sky. The deep meaning of water as a primordial element is seen as a reflection of the universe - a complex structure that aggregates energies in a random fiction of the creation. Metamorphics can be seen as the result of an undesired movement, a constant fluid waving and weaving its own destiny. No longer it is the water; one cannot simply see it just like water. The Metamorphics are enforced by strong contrast, high levels of noise, and background light reduction. This process emphasizes much the whole illusion of the frames and the beauty of their existences. They pop up, unfold, burst and develop, and no longer their fate can be traced. Metamorphics are high resolution digital photographs enhanced with image software.

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