The Soong Sisters (2001)

"The chinese themselves put it best when they coined their celebrated aphorism (…) about the Soong sisters: "One loved money, one loved power, one loved China." Sterlirling Seagrave, The Soong Dinasty.

Soong Sisters is a non-linear narrative about three sisters: Ai-ling, Ching-ling and May-ling. Daughters of the millionaire Charlie Soong, who earned a fortune selling religious books in China at low prices after he was educated in USA. The three sisters engage in political and social affairs by the family strategy of marriage the right man. One of soong sisters, Ching-ling, the middle one, was engagement in political affairs after her marriage with the revolutionary Dr. Sun Yat-sen, she was considered the widow of China. The newest sister, May-ling, married General Chiang Kai-Shek and she was a very powerful woman. Finally, the oldest, Ai-ling, married the finance minister HH Kung and had lots of money. T.V. Soong, the male brother, ...

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"The chinese themselves put it best when they coined their celebrated aphorism (…) about the Soong sisters: "One loved money, one loved power, one loved China." Sterlirling Seagrave, The Soong Dinasty.

Soong Sisters is a non-linear narrative about three sisters: Ai-ling, Ching-ling and May-ling. Daughters of the millionaire Charlie Soong, who earned a fortune selling religious books in China at low prices after he was educated in USA. The three sisters engage in political and social affairs by the family strategy of marriage the right man. One of soong sisters, Ching-ling, the middle one, was engagement in political affairs after her marriage with the revolutionary Dr. Sun Yat-sen, she was considered the widow of China. The newest sister, May-ling, married General Chiang Kai-Shek and she was a very powerful woman. Finally, the oldest, Ai-ling, married the finance minister HH Kung and had lots of money. T.V. Soong, the male brother, was considered the richest man in the world in the decade of 40/50 of XX century. The soong dynasty "reigned" for nearly a century controlling the policy, the economy and Chinese society with lots of influence in USA also. The player of this non-linear narrative should reconstruct the story of the three sisters and their family. The user is engaged in a complex structure of building blocks composed by images, texts and a mix of sounds.

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