You are so beautiful! (2010)

"You are so beautiful!" is an installation that runs on The original purpose of the site is to connect the camera and audio feeds of random strangers and offers the option for text chat. Typically people switch to the next random partner within seconds.

My intervention is that instead of sending my own camera stream I feed the incoming stream back to the person that sent it but add a golden frame around it that says "You are so beautiful!". So that person will see herself or himself in a mirror.

This usually takes people by surprise and I try to capture this moment of realization in a screen shot. The majority of people are a bit happier after this encounter which is one of the purposes of this piece.

Full Description

"You are so beautiful!" is an installation that runs on The original purpose of the site is to connect the camera and audio feeds of random strangers and offers the option for text chat. Typically people switch to the next random partner within seconds.

My intervention is that instead of sending my own camera stream I feed the incoming stream back to the person that sent it but add a golden frame around it that says "You are so beautiful!". So that person will see herself or himself in a mirror.

This usually takes people by surprise and I try to capture this moment of realization in a screen shot. The majority of people are a bit happier after this encounter which is one of the purposes of this piece.

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