"Nothing is real, everything is permitted" - Hassan Bin Sabbah

one of these stars is fake. somewhere, unspecial and undefinied. my change in this photo is almost unnoticeable. but in other sense such an additional star could be fundamental for the picture or for space in itself. every one little element of complicated and complex astrophysical system can change everything (chain effect, connections and dependency of things). no difference between "big & important" and "small & unimportant". possible = impossible, real = fake. there is no problem with reality, there is no problem at all.

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"Nothing is real, everything is permitted" - Hassan Bin Sabbah

one of these stars is fake. somewhere, unspecial and undefinied. my change in this photo is almost unnoticeable. but in other sense such an additional star could be fundamental for the picture or for space in itself. every one little element of complicated and complex astrophysical system can change everything (chain effect, connections and dependency of things). no difference between "big & important" and "small & unimportant". possible = impossible, real = fake. there is no problem with reality, there is no problem at all.

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