Ursa Major. Miedzynarodowa Street 64/66 A (2007)

light box 69 cm x 102 cm x 20 cm, Lambda print on DuraTrans, 2006

Ursa Major (Big Dipper) is a photographical project where grouping of 5 to 7 individuals recreates the shape of Ursa Major (Big Dipper) constellation. The project addresses specific culturall and metaphorical contexts. Ursa Major. International Street 64/66A was realized by a group of fellow neighbors from an apartment building. They walked out on the roof and holding lighted bulbs are creating the Ursa Major constellation on the evening sky..

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light box 69 cm x 102 cm x 20 cm, Lambda print on DuraTrans, 2006

Ursa Major (Big Dipper) is a photographical project where grouping of 5 to 7 individuals recreates the shape of Ursa Major (Big Dipper) constellation. The project addresses specific culturall and metaphorical contexts. Ursa Major. International Street 64/66A was realized by a group of fellow neighbors from an apartment building. They walked out on the roof and holding lighted bulbs are creating the Ursa Major constellation on the evening sky..

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