land speed record (2008)

Land Speed Record is a record of landscape, overwhelming and dominant. A chain of mountains dwarfs the foreground where an upturned car skating along a salt lake with debris flying, departs the scene. It is based on a film clip encountered online, original source unknown that records the failed attempt of somebody to beat something. In this work nature, while a forceful presence, is subjugated to the immediate needs of technology and the insatiable desires of its users. Through a succession of filters, from the original incident, the distribution of the event to the world and finally to its brief stopover here as a painting the landscape is merely a mute spectator.

Full Description

Land Speed Record is a record of landscape, overwhelming and dominant. A chain of mountains dwarfs the foreground where an upturned car skating along a salt lake with debris flying, departs the scene. It is based on a film clip encountered online, original source unknown that records the failed attempt of somebody to beat something. In this work nature, while a forceful presence, is subjugated to the immediate needs of technology and the insatiable desires of its users. Through a succession of filters, from the original incident, the distribution of the event to the world and finally to its brief stopover here as a painting the landscape is merely a mute spectator.

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